Select average from MySQL table with LIMIT

James Simpson picture James Simpson · Dec 6, 2009 · Viewed 25.7k times · Source

I am trying to get the average of the lowest 5 priced items, grouped by the username attached to them. However, the below query gives the average price for each user (which of course is the price), but I just want one answer returned.

SELECT AVG(price) 
  FROM table 
 WHERE price > '0' && item_id = '$id' 
GROUP BY username 
   LIMIT 5


OMG Ponies picture OMG Ponies · Dec 6, 2009

I think this is what you're after:

SELECT AVG(items.price)
  FROM (SELECT t.price
          FROM TABLE t
         WHERE t.price > '0' 
           AND t.item_id = '$id'
      ORDER BY t.price
         LIMIT 5) items

It will return the average of the 5 lowest prices - a single answer.