I have this query:
@ProjectID int = 3,
@Year int = 2010,
@MeterTypeID int = 1,
@StartDate datetime,
@EndDate datetime
SET @StartDate = '07/01/' + CAST(@Year as VARCHAR)
SET @EndDate = '06/30/' + CAST(@Year+1 as VARCHAR)
SELECT tblMEP_Sites.Name AS SiteName, convert(varchar(10),BillingMonth ,101) AS BillingMonth, SUM(Consumption) AS Consumption
FROM tblMEP_Projects
JOIN tblMEP_Sites
ON tblMEP_Projects.ID = tblMEP_Sites.ProjectID
JOIN tblMEP_Meters
ON tblMEP_Meters.SiteID = tblMEP_Sites.ID
JOIN tblMEP_MonthlyData
ON tblMEP_MonthlyData.MeterID = tblMEP_Meters.ID
JOIN tblMEP_CustomerAccounts
ON tblMEP_CustomerAccounts.ID = tblMEP_Meters.CustomerAccountID
JOIN tblMEP_UtilityCompanies
ON tblMEP_UtilityCompanies.ID = tblMEP_CustomerAccounts.UtilityCompanyID
JOIN tblMEP_MeterTypes
ON tblMEP_UtilityCompanies.UtilityTypeID = tblMEP_MeterTypes.ID
WHERE tblMEP_Projects.ID = @ProjectID
AND tblMEP_MonthlyData.BillingMonth Between @StartDate AND @EndDate
AND tbLMEP_MeterTypes.ID = @MeterTypeID
GROUP BY BillingMonth, tblMEP_Sites.Name
ORDER BY month(BillingMonth)
I just want store it in a temp table so that I can do something with it. It would be great if anybody can just include the syntax for creating a temp table in SQL Server.
I tried different ways but I was lost and did not get the result I want.
If you want to just create a temp table inside the query that will allow you to do something with the results that you deposit into it you can do something like the following:
Item 1 VARCHAR(200)
, Item 2 VARCHAR(200)
, ...
, Item n VARCHAR(500)
On the top of your query and then do an