Get AVG ignoring Null or Zero values

SVI picture SVI · Jul 2, 2013 · Viewed 98k times · Source

How can I get the AVG of a column ignoring NULL and zero values?

I have three columns to get their average, I try to use the following script:

SELECT distinct
     AVG(cast(ISNULL(a.SecurityW,0) as bigint)) as Average1
     ,AVG(cast(ISNULL(a.TransferW,0) as bigint)) as Average2
     ,AVG(cast(ISNULL(a.StaffW,0) as bigint)) as Average3
FROM Table1 a,  Table2 b
WHERE a.SecurityW <> 0 AND a.SecurityW IS NOT NULL
AND a.TransferW<> 0 AND a.TransferWIS NOT NULL
AND a.StaffW<> 0 AND a.StaffWIS NOT NULL
AND MONTH(a.ActualTime) = 4
AND YEAR(a.ActualTime) = 2013

I don't get any results, however the three columns have values including NULL and zeros!

Is there anyway to exclude null values before getting the average?

example: AVERAGE(NOTNULL(SecurityW))


Martin Smith picture Martin Smith · Jul 2, 2013

NULL is already ignored so you can use NULLIF to turn 0 to NULL. Also you don't need DISTINCT and your WHERE on ActualTime is not sargable.

SELECT AVG(cast(NULLIF(a.SecurityW, 0) AS BIGINT)) AS Average1,
       AVG(cast(NULLIF(a.TransferW, 0) AS BIGINT)) AS Average2,
       AVG(cast(NULLIF(a.StaffW, 0) AS BIGINT))    AS Average3
FROM   Table1 a
WHERE  a.ActualTime >= '20130401'
       AND a.ActualTime < '20130501' 

PS I have no idea what Table2 b is in the original query for as there is no join condition for it so have omitted it from my answer.