I've never worked with Database Functions, but my current project requires it. I need to put a common sql query into a function so we don't have to type it out in our code hundreds of times. I've got the function created, but I don't know how to use it.
Here's the function code:
USE [DB_NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetConfigurationByProfile] ( @profileName AS NVARCHAR(50) ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( -- Fill the table variable with the rows for your result set SELECT system_settings_groups.ssg_id, system_settings_groups.ssg_name, system_settings_groups.ssg_parent_group_id, system_settings_names.ssn_name, system_Settings_names.ssn_display_name, system_settings_values.ssv_value FROM system_settings_profiles JOIN system_settings_values ON system_settings_profiles.ssp_id = system_settings_values.ssv_ssp_id JOIN system_settings_names ON system_settings_names.ssn_id = system_settings_values.ssv_ssn_id JOIN system_settings_groups ON system_settings_groups.ssg_id = system_settings_names.ssn_ssg_id WHERE system_settings_profiles.ssp_name = @profileName )
So how would I use this in a sql query? Do I just use SELECT fn_GetConfigurationByProfile('DEFAULTPROFILE')?
This may be an amateur question, but oh well. I need help :)
you want to use FROM
E.g :
select ...
FROM fn_GetConfigurationByProfile('DEFAULTPROFILE')