I've written two stored procedure one with sp_executesql
and other doesn't have sp_executesql
both are executing properly same results, I didn't get what is the difference here between
EXEC (@SQL) vs EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@eStatus varchar(12)', @eStatus = @Status
and How EXEC(@SQL) is prone to SQL injection and sp_executesql @SQL...... isn't?
Below Stored Procedure without sp_executesql
ALTER proc USP_GetEmpByStatus
@Status varchar(12)
DECLARE @TableName AS sysname = 'Employee'
Declare @Columns as sysname = '*'
DECLARE @SQL as nvarchar(128) = 'select ' + @Columns + ' from ' + @TableName + ' where Status=' + char(39) + @Status + char(39)
print (@SQL)
EXEC USP_GetEmpByStatus 'Active'
Below stored procedure with sp_executesql
create proc USP_GetEmpByStatusWithSpExcute
@Status varchar(12)
DECLARE @TableName AS sysname = 'JProCo.dbo.Employee'
Declare @Columns as sysname = '*'
DECLARE @SQL as nvarchar(128) = 'select ' + @Columns + ' from ' + @TableName + ' where Status=' + char(39) + @Status + char(39)
print @SQL
exec sp_executesql @SQL, N'@eStatus varchar(12)', @eStatus = @Status
EXEC USP_GetEmpByStatusWithSpExcute 'Active'
Besides the usage, there are some important differences:
allows for statements to be parameterized
Therefore It’s more secure than EXEC
in terms of SQL injection
can leverage cached query plans.
The TSQL string is built only one time, after that every time same query is called with sp_executesql
, SQL Server retrieves the query plan from cache and reuses it
Temp tables created in EXEC
can not use temp table caching mechanism