I'm running the following report but getting an error
/* Simple table formatting */
clear screen;
accept Report_File char prompt 'Enter a file name for summary report ';
/*Set up column headers*/
col StoreCode format A8 heading 'Store Code';
col DESCRIPTION format A8 heading 'Item Description';
col PRICE format $999999.99 heading 'Price';
col QUANTITY format 999 heading 'Quantity';
col (Price*Quantity) format $999999.99 heading 'Value';
/*Format and title pages */
set Pause off;
set Feedback off;
set Space 6;
set newpage 2;
set pagesize 54;
set linesize 200;
set underline =;
title center 'Current Stock Value by Store' skip 2 left -
'prepared by Jason Kemeys' &Report_Officer right -
&Todays_Date skip4;
btitle center format 999 SQL.PNO;
/* Set breaks and computes */
break on StoreCode skip 2 on SuppCode skip 1 on Report;
compute sum of (Price*Quantity) on StoreCode;
compute sum of (Price*Quantity) on Report;
/*Select data & send to file*/
spool &Report_File;
select StoreCode, Description, Quantity, Price, (Price*Quantity)
from Stocks
order by StoreCode;
spool off;
/* Clear all settings */
clear breaks;
clear columns;
clear computes;
set Pause on;
Just need to know why its showing the error and how to get it running; first time doing a report in SQL.
This is the error I'm getting
clear screen; * ERROR at line 2: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
cl scr
is the command used to clear screen in SQL.