I want to insert multiple rows with a single insert statement.
The following code inserts one row, and works fine:
create temp table mytmptable
(external_id char(10),
int_id integer,
cost_amount decimal(10,2)
) with no log;
insert into mytmptable values
('7662', 232, 297.26);
select * from mytmptable;
I've tried changing the insert to this, but it gives a syntax error:
insert into mytmptable values
('7662', 232, 297.26),
('7662', 232, 297.26);
Is there a way to get it working, or do I need to run many inserts instead?
You could always do something like this:
insert into mytmptable
select *
from (
select '7662', 232, 297.26 from table(set{1})
union all
select '7662', 232, 297.26 from table(set{1})
Pretty sure that's standard SQL and would work on Informix (the derived table is necessary for Informix to accept UNION ALL