SQL query to get most recent row for each instance of a given key

alanc10n picture alanc10n · Jul 16, 2009 · Viewed 138.3k times · Source

I'm trying to get the ip, user, and most recent timestamp from a table which may contain both the current ip for a user and one or more prior ips. I'd like one row for each user containing the most recent ip and the associated timestamp. So if a table looks like this:

username      |  ip      |  time_stamp  
ted           |  | 10  
jerry         |  | 12  
ted           |  | 30  

I'd expect the output of the query to be:

jerry    |   |  12
ted      |   |  30  

Can I do this in a single sql query? In case it matters, the DBMS is Postgresql.


Chris Nielsen picture Chris Nielsen · Jul 16, 2009

Try this:

Select u.[username]
From [users] As u
Inner Join (
    Select [username]
          ,max(time_stamp) as [time_stamp]
    From [users]
    Group By [username]) As [q]
On u.username = q.username
And u.time_stamp = q.time_stamp