Search XML with a LIKE or similar full search operation

P.Brian.Mackey picture P.Brian.Mackey · May 6, 2012 · Viewed 25.7k times · Source

I want to search an XML valued column to see if a contains a string. I don't know the schema, I want to know if the string is contained anywhere at all. I don't know if XPATH would work in this situation.

The equivalent of

Select s.Name, ts.ValueXML from table t (nolock) 
join table2 ts (nolock) on t.key_Id = ts.key_Id
join table3 s (nolock) on ts.key_Id=s.key_Id
where s.Name like '%Lab%' and ts.ValueXML  like '%PreviewDateRange%'

ERROR: Argument data type xml is invalid for argument 1 of like function.

relevant ts Table columns

ValueXml (XML(.), null)

The item I'm searching for should be an attribute. So if the above isn't possible, then anything containing that attribute would be a good alternative.


Sergey Kalinichenko picture Sergey Kalinichenko · May 6, 2012

The simplest (but definitely not the fastest to execute) way would be to cast your column to nvarchar(max) before passing it to like:

cast(ValueXml as nvarchar(max)) like '%PreviewDateRange%'