A database view is a stored query.
I'm having a hard time trying to create a view in phpMyAdmin. I have a database named myDB and a …
mysql phpmyadmin sql-viewI'm trying to create a view with row numbers like so: create or replace view daily_transactions as select generate_…
sql postgresql view window-functions sql-viewI have a view in Oracle designer which I'd like to add a column to. I've tried Create columnand input …
oracle view sql-viewI would like PostegreSQL to relax a bit. Every time I want to change a column used in a view, …
sql postgresql types varchar sql-viewI'd like to create a view in SQL Server that combines several pieces of database metadata. One piece of metadata …
sql sql-server-2005 concatenation sql-viewIt occurred in my project that I had to extend an existing table with a few more columns. Unfortunately I …
sql triggers sql-server-2012 sql-viewI have a very large table in SQL Server 2008. It has lots of fields which are only useful to a …
sql-server sql-viewCan anybody in here tell me the difference of VIEW and WITH, as I have searched many placed and I …
sql sql-viewHi does any one know how to check if a given DB object (Table/View/SP/Function) is used inside …
sql oracle stored-procedures function sql-view