I'm trying to generate an XML output from SQL and need to use a UNION statement and also name the output column.
I had this working before when I didn't need to use a UNION statement using:
FROM [UserAccs] FOR XML PATH ('AccountDetails'), root ('Root')
) as XmlOutput
Which named the output XML column as XmlOutput
I am now trying:
FROM [UserAccs]
FROM [UserAppAccs]
FOR XML PATH ('AccountDetails'), root ('Root')
) as XmlOutput
But receive an error message, does anyone know a way around this?
The FOR XML clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries when they contain a set operator. To work around, wrap the SELECT containing a set operator using derived table syntax and apply FOR XML on top of it.
Thanks J.
Wrap your 2 selects on a single one like so:
select (
select id, name from (
select id, name
from xmltest
select id, name
from xmltest
) A
FOR XML PATH ('AccountDetails'), root ('Root')
) As XmlOutput