How to get the sheet names in an Excel file using SQL Sever 2005?
Please be noted that:
There are at least two possibilities for doing this. I will admit up front that I don't have an easy way to check this in SQL Server 2005, only 2008 right now.
1: Create a linked server and use sp_tables_ex
and/or sp_columns_ex
-- Get table (worksheet) or column (field) listings from an excel spreadsheet
declare @linkedServerName sysname = 'TempExcelSpreadsheet'
declare @excelFileUrl nvarchar(1000) = 'c:\MySpreadsheet.xls'
-- /SET
-- Remove existing linked server (if necessary)
if exists(select null from sys.servers where name = @linkedServerName) begin
exec sp_dropserver @server = @linkedServerName, @droplogins = 'droplogins'
-- Add the linked server
-- ACE 12.0 seems to work for both xsl and xslx, though some might prefer the older JET provider
exec sp_addlinkedserver
@server = @linkedServerName,
@srvproduct = 'ACE 12.0',
@provider = 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
@datasrc = @excelFileUrl,
@provstr = 'Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes'
-- Grab the current user to use as a remote login
declare @suser_sname nvarchar(256) = suser_sname()
-- Add the current user as a login
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = @linkedServerName,
@useself = 'false',
@locallogin = @suser_sname,
@rmtuser = null,
@rmtpassword = null
-- Return the table/column info
exec sp_tables_ex @linkedServerName
exec sp_columns_ex @linkedServerName
-- Remove temp linked server
if exists(select null from sys.servers where name = @linkedServerName) begin
exec sp_dropserver @server = @linkedServerName, @droplogins = 'droplogins'
I found the inspiration for this here.
2: Use Ole Automation Procedures as outlined here. I have not tried this one myself.