Inserting an attribute in multiple XML Nodes using XML.modify() in SQL 2005

user65035 picture user65035 · Feb 11, 2009 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

I have an @XML document created from a single select statement.


I want to insert the xsi:nil as an attribute of 'targetNode' for this document.

@XML.modify( 'insert attribute xsi:nil {"true"} into (root/node/node1/targetNode) [1]') 

The above will insert the attribute into the first occurance of the targetNode in the @XML document. The insert statement however will only work on a single node. Is there any way I can insert this attribute into all instances of targetNode in the @XML document.


Jean-Fran&#231;ois picture Jean-François · Mar 25, 2013

I found a simple and elegant solution in DML operations on multiple nodes

The idea is to count how many nodes and modify them one by one:

DECLARE @iCount int
SET @iCount = @var.value('count(root/node/node1/targetNode)','int')

DECLARE @i int
SET @i = 1

WHILE (@i <= @iCount)
   @xml.modify('insert attribute xsi:nil {"true"} into (root/node/node1/targetNode)[sql:variable("@i")][1]')
   SET @i = @i + 1