Is there a printf-like function in Sql Server? I want the same features as the RAISERROR function, but instead of throwing an error, or printing a message, I want to write it in a varchar, because my ERP won't let me handle the error messages.
This is SQL Server 2000.
Actual working example with RAISERROR:
declare @name varchar(10)
set @name = 'George'
RAISERROR ('Hello %s.', 10, 1, 'George')
prints Hello George
What I'm looking for:
declare @name varchar(10), @message varchar(50)
set @name = 'George'
SET @message = printf('Hello %s.', 'George')
return @message
This would return Hello George
with a severity of 0. So you can use.
declare @name varchar(10)
set @name = 'George'
RAISERROR ('Hello %s.', 0, 1, 'George') WITH NOWAIT
Edit to store it into a variable you can use the xp_sprintf
extended stored procedure.
declare @name varchar(10)
set @name = 'George'
DECLARE @ret varchar(500)
exec master..xp_sprintf @ret OUTPUT, 'Hello %s.', @name
PRINT @ret