I observed this very same issue in one of my colleague's windows 10 box with SQL Server 2014 Enterprise installer as well. As mentioned in this MS connect bug you can try either of the below mentioned options:
I used task manager and killed the Windows Installer instances, clicked Retry and the installation completed. What a beat down.
You can kill the Windows Installer process as shown below:
It's fixed!
I tested this solution with 2014 express and can confirm that using /SkipInstallerRunCheck works as advertised. The installer no longer goes into an endless loop when it can't shut down msiserver.
For my colleague who was facing this issue with SQL Server 2014 setup, solution # 1 above worked.
Regarding SQL Server 2017 : My colleague faced exactly same issue on SQL Server 2017 also. We didn't see the "Windows Installer" app in processes tab on his machine. So we went with solution # 2 i.e. launch the installer as Setup.exe /SkipInstallerRunCheck
and it worked for him. While running from PowerShell console the command looks like .\Setup.exe /SkipInstallerRunCheck