I used the ASP.NET 5 Preview Templates in Visual Studio 2015 to create an ASP.NET 5 site. According to the config.json file, there's a database in (localdb)\mssqllocaldb.
I want to move that database to my actual SQL Server, but when I connect to the (localdb)\mssqllocaldb server in SQL Server Management Studio to start the backup process, there are no databases listed. Where is it?
Any idea on how I can migrate that database if I can't find it in SSMS?
I had this problem also and just got it working (I'm doing the MVC-Movie MVC6 Tutorial - i'm just at the 'Adding a Model' section where you create a connection to a Local Database : here).
Visual Studio 2015/SQL Server 2014 uses a different path than 2012/2013. I previously had VS2012 and VS2013 installed and had created local databases in each. VS2012 created a connection as: (localdb)\v11.0 and SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) as (localdb)\ProjectsV12.
To get the (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB working you:
SQLLocalDB.exe info
this shows all the current database servers on your local connectionSQLLocalDB.exe start MSSQLLocalDB
It will tell you that this has now been started.Databases are now stored in c:\users\[DATABASE-NAME] where as previously they were stored in your C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SSDT
Hopefully this solves your issue with finding the SQLServer, Cheers