I am trying to export datable data in xml format but,Problem is like i can able to create xml file but data is not get writing in to the file following is my code I am trying.
SET @cmd = 'bcp.exe "select * from emp FOR XML AUTO" queryout E:\rahul_1.xml -x -T';
EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmd ;
And following is the output message I am getting after executing above code
Enter the file storage type of field XML_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805F49916B [ntext]:
can any body please suggest me on this
Dan you answer works, except one last thing. BCP needs additional information about the source query. Best idea to fully qualify the source of the data.
SET @cmd = 'bcp.exe "select * from [Database].[Schema].[Table] FOR XML AUTO"
queryout E:\rahul_1.xml -c -T';