I'm working on a view which is then updated by the user. This update basically changes the value of column. But right now it doesnt let me do that and produces this :
Update or insert of view or function '' failed because it contains a derived or constant field.
I know this is because I have a constant in the select statement but is there a way to get around it? Please help
This is my code for the view
Create view Schema.View1
Convert(Varchar(20),l.jtpName) as JobType, Convert(Varchar(10),' <All> ')as SubCategory , Convert(varchar (3), Case when a.jtpName= l.jtpName and a.subName= ' <All> ' then 'Yes' else 'No' end) As AutoProcess from Schema.JobType l left join Schema.Table1 a on l.jtpName=a.jtpName
Convert(Varchar(20),a.jtpName) as JobType, Convert(Varchar(10),a.subName) as SubCategory, Convert(varchar (3),Case when b.jtpName= a.jtpName and b.subName= a.subName then 'Yes' else 'No' end) As AutoProcess from Schema.SubCategory a left join fds.Table1 b on a.subName=b.subName
Finally the update statement:
UPDATE Schema.View1 SET AUTOPROCESS = Case WHEN AUTOPROCESS = 'Yes' Then 'No' END Where JOBTYPE = 'Transport' and SUBCATEGORY= 'Cargo'
Thank You
You cannot update a column that is the result of a computation.
According to MSDN, one of the conditions for a view column to be updatable is this:
Here not only does your view uses the UNION
statement, the AutoProcess
field you are trying to update is actually the result of a CASE
statement that uses two fields. It makes no sense to try and update that.
I would recommend that you use stored proc to perform writing operations. Or, as Damien suggest, you could use an INSTEAD OF
trigger on the view too.