Is it possible to have secondary server available read-only in a log shipping scenario?

codeape picture codeape · Dec 2, 2009 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I am looking into using log shipping in a SQL Server 2005 environment. The idea was to set up frequent log shipping to a secondary server. The intent: Use the secondary server to serve report queries, thereby offloading the primary db server.

I came across this on a sqlservercentral forum thread:

When you create the log shipping you have 2 choices. You can configure restore log operation to be done with norecovery or with standby option. If you use the norecovery option, you can not issue select statements on it. If instead of norecovery you use the standby option, you can run select queries on the database. Bear in mind with the standby option when log file restores occur users will be kicked out without warning by the restore process. Acutely when you configure the log shipping with standby option, you can also select between 2 choices – kill all processes in the secondary database and perform log restore or don’t perform log restore if the database is being used. Of course if you select the second option, the restore operation might never run if someone opens a connection to the database and doesn’t close it, so it is better to use the first option.

So my questions are:

  • Is the above true? Can you really not use log shipping in the way I intend?
  • If it is true, could someone explain why you cannot execute SELECT statements to a database while the transaction log is being restored?


First question is duplicate of this serverfault question. But I still would like the second question answered: Why is it not possible to execute SELECT statements while the transaction log is being restored?


John Sansom picture John Sansom · Dec 2, 2009

Well yes and no.

You can do exactly what you wish to do, in that you may offload reporting workloads to a secondary server by configuring Log Shipping to a read only copy of a database. I have set this type of architecture up on a number of occasions previously and it works very well indeed.

The caveat is that in order to perform a restore of a Transaction Log Backup file there must be no other connections to the database in question. Hence the two choices being, when the restore process runs it will either fail, thereby prioritising user connections, or it will succeed by disconnecting all user connection in order to perform the restore.

Dependent on your restore frequency this is not necessarily a problem. You simply educate your users to the fact that, say every hour at 10 past the hour, there is a possibility that your report may fail. If this happens simply re-run the report.

EDIT: You may also want to evaluate alternative architeciture solutions to your business need. For example, Transactional Replication or Database Mirroring with a Database Snapshot