I'm using SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB. Instances seem to stop automatically after 10 minutes if there is no activity on them. Is there a clean way to keep an instance running forever?
The timeout is configurable via T-SQL with 'user instance timeout'
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'user instance timeout', 5;
The timeout is expressed in minutes and has a maximum value of 65535
. I'm pretty sure you need to restart the instance after setting it. And don't try setting it to 0
, it will just make the instance shut down immediately after starting, which will make it hard to set the value back to something useful :-).
Source: this BOL article containing other useful information on User Instances that are applicable to LocalDB instances as well.
Final Remark
If you need something that's always running and starts whenever a computer starts you might just consider using regular, service-based, instance of SQL Server Express.