A better way of passing parameters to a TADOStoredProc (Delphi)

Earlz picture Earlz · Jul 21, 2009 · Viewed 16.1k times · Source

I am needing to convert a large amount of SQL queries into stored procedures. I have some code that updates about 20 or 30 values at one time in one Delphi procedure. I can handle creating a stored procedures to do such a thing. The problem is my way to pass parameters to stored procedures is very bulky like this:

    with stored_procedure do......
    Param := Parameters.AddParameter;
    Param.Name := '@SSN';
    Param.Value := edtSSN.text;

    Param := Parameters.AddParameter;
    Param.Name := '@FirstName';
    Param.Value := edtFirstName.Text;

    Param := Parameters.AddParameter;
    Param.Name := '@LastName';
    Param.Value := edtLastName.Text;

    Param := Parameters.AddParameter;
    Param.Name := '@UserRID';
    Param.Value:= GetRIDFromCombo(cbUser);

I also am not sure if that causes a memory leak(is it necessary to free such TParameter objects?)

Anyone have a better way of handling a large amount of parameters? (I can not use a new library. I must use ADO, and the SQL I use is MSSQL) (also, I'm NOT using ADO.net)


Mohammed Nasman picture Mohammed Nasman · Jul 21, 2009

There's an accepted answer :-), but I want to point you to simpler and easier way to define and use the parameters with one line :


It's simple and flexible, because you can define the input and output parameters with same line.

and from Delphi help:

function CreateParameter(const Name: WideString; DataType: TDataType;
    Direction: TParameterDirection; Size: Integer; 
    Value: OleVariant): TParameter;