I have a table
Create table Country_State_Mapping
Country nvarchar(max),
State nvarchar(max)
With 5 records.
Insert into Country_State_Mapping values('INDIA', 'Maharastra')
Insert into Country_State_Mapping values('INDIA', 'Bengal')
Insert into Country_State_Mapping values('INDIA', 'Karnatak')
Insert into Country_State_Mapping values('USA', 'Alaska')
Insert into Country_State_Mapping values('USA', 'California')
I need to write a SQL query which will have give me 2 records/2 columns as below.
1st column Contry and second AllStates
1 record(2 columns) will be
India and Maharastra,Bengal,Karnatak
USA and Alaska,California
I tried I like this
select distinct
(select State
from Country_State_Mapping InnerTable
where InnerTable.Country = OutTable.Country)
from Country_State_Mapping AS OutTable
but did not work...
SELECT Country, AllStates =
STUFF((SELECT ', ' + State
FROM Country_State_Mapping b
WHERE b.Country = a.Country
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
FROM Country_State_Mapping a
GROUP BY Country