SSIS How to get part of a string by separator

Echo picture Echo · Jun 6, 2012 · Viewed 71.1k times · Source

I need an SSIS expression to get the left part of a string before the separator, and then put the new string in a new column. I checked in derived column, it seems no such expressions. Substring could only return string part with fixed length.

For example, with separator string - :

Art-Reading                Should return Art
Art-Writing                Should return Art
Science-chemistry          Should return Science

P.S. I knew this could be done in MySQL with SUBSTRING_INDEX(), but I'm looking for an equivalent in SSIS, or at least in SQL Server


Diego picture Diego · Jun 7, 2012

of course you can:

enter image description here

just configure your derived columns like this:

enter image description here

Here is the expression to make your life easier:

SUBSTRING(name,1,FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) - 1)

FYI, the second "1" means to get the first occurrence of the string "-"

EDIT: expression to deal with string without "-"

FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) != 0 ? (SUBSTRING(name,1,FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) - 1)) : name