How to call function which returns table in stored procedure.
I want to do use that returned table from function in stored procedure.
How it is done ?
You are not specific in your question, there are different ways a table valued function can be called (depending on need):
create procedure Test
@someParam varchar(50),
@someParam2 varchar(50)
set nocount on
select tf.Col1, tf.Col2, tf.Col3, tf.Col4, tf.Col5
from tableValuedFunction0() tf
select tf.Col1, tf.Col2
from tableValuedFunction1(@someParam) tf
create table #temp (...)
insert into #temp (...)
select tf.Col1, tf.Col2, tf.Col3
from tableValuedFunction2(@someParam, @someParam2) tf
create table #temp2 (...)
insert into #temp2 (...)
select t.SomeCol, tf.Col1, tf.Col2
from someTable t
cross apply tableValuedFunction3(@someParam2, t.SomeOtherCol) tf
update t
set t.SomeCol = tf.Value
from someOtherTable t
join tableValuedFunction4(@someParam2) tf on tf.SomeOtherCol = t.SomeOtherCol