I have structure like this:
This structure has 3 levels: main Unit, SubUnits and SubSubUnits.
I want to select all children by UnitId.
If I search by Unit, I have to get all tree.
If I search by SubUnit1, I have to get SubUnit1 and all children of SubUnit1.
If I search SubSubUnit2, I have to get itself.
Here is my try:
with a(id, parentid, name)
as (
select id, parentId, name
from customer a
where parentId is null
union all
select a.id, a.parentid, a.Name
from customer
inner join a on customer.parentId = customer.id
select parentid, id, name
from customer pod
where pod.parentid in (
select id
from customer grbs
where grbs.parentid in (
select id
from customer t
where t.parentid = @UnitId
select parentid, id, name
from customer grbs
where grbs.parentid in (
select id
from customer t
where t.parentid = @UnitId
select parentid, id, name
from customer c
where c.Id = @UnitId
order by parentid, id
I use 3 union-words, it is not well but it works. Case structure will have N levels, how I have to get correct result?
DECLARE @Id int = your_UnitId
;WITH cte AS
SELECT a.Id, a.parentId, a.name
FROM customer a
WHERE Id = @Id
SELECT a.Id, a.parentid, a.Name
FROM customer a JOIN cte c ON a.parentId = c.id
SELECT parentId, Id, name
FROM cte
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