Top "Sql-server-2008-r2" questions

Use this tag for questions specific to the 2008 R2 version of Microsoft's SQL Server.

How to pass string parameter with `IN` operator in stored procedure SQL Server 2008

I have a stored procedure when I execute it I got error Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '+@…

stored-procedures sql-server-2008-r2 parameterized
Reset autoincrement in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

I created a primary key to be autoincrement. I added two rows: ID=1, ID=2 I deleted these two rows. I …

sql-server-2008-r2 auto-increment identity-column
Why is there a HUGE performance difference between temp table and subselect

This is a question about SQL Server 2008 R2 I'm not a DBA, by far. I'm a java developer, who has …

sql sql-server-2008-r2 subquery query-performance temp-tables
How to use a CTE statement in a table-valued function in SQL Server

I have come to understand that some versions of Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (mostly on Windows XP) …

sql-server sql-server-2008-r2 common-table-expression
Select values from multiple columns into single column

I have a table in a database that has 9 columns containing the same sort of data, these values are allowed …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008-r2 unpivot
SQL Server @@SERVERNAME returning old machine name?

I just stumbled across an issue in my SQL Server 2008 R2 - When I call @@SERVERNAME, it's returning my OLD …

sql-server sql-server-2008-r2
How to update a varbinary field with a specific value?

Basically I am trying to give a user a certain password so I can test some functionality on a system, …

sql sql-server-2008 sql-server-2008-r2 sql-update varbinary
SQL Server Find What Jobs Are Running a Procedure

Is there a way to find out what jobs are using a certain stored procedure?

sql-server tsql sql-server-2008-r2
Import and Export Wizard with Identity Column

I want to move data from one DB to another, while keeping the identity column values in the old DB. …

sql-server sql-server-2008 sql-server-2008-r2
How to permit a SQL Server user to insert/update/delete data, but not alter schema?

My application (C#, ASP.Net) needs to insert, update and delete data in the DB, and run stored procedures. I …

c#-4.0 sql-server-2008-r2 user-roles