What good are SQL Server schemas?

Erik Funkenbusch picture Erik Funkenbusch · Feb 9, 2009 · Viewed 120.5k times · Source

I'm no beginner to using SQL databases, and in particular SQL Server. However, I've been primarily a SQL 2000 guy and I've always been confused by schemas in 2005+. Yes, I know the basic definition of a schema, but what are they really used for in a typical SQL Server deployment?

I've always just used the default schema. Why would I want to create specialized schemas? Why would I assign any of the built-in schemas?

EDIT: To clarify, I guess I'm looking for the benefits of schemas. If you're only going to use it as a security scheme, it seems like database roles already filled that.. er.. um.. role. And using it a as a namespace specifier seems to have been something you could have done with ownership (dbo versus user, etc..).

I guess what I'm getting at is, what do Schemas do that you couldn't do with owners and roles? What are their specifc benefits?


SQLMenace picture SQLMenace · Feb 9, 2009

Schemas logically group tables, procedures, views together. All employee-related objects in the employee schema, etc.

You can also give permissions to just one schema, so that users can only see the schema they have access to and nothing else.