Top "Sql-order-by" questions

An ORDER BY clause in SQL specifies that a SQL SELECT statement returns a result set with the rows being sorted by the values of one or more columns.

Sort by column ASC, but NULL values first?

I need to sort a PostgreSQL table ascending by a date/time field, e.g. last_updated. But that field …

sql postgresql null sql-order-by
SQL - ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY) not working

It doesn't matter what I put in the ORDER BY clause, the order of the result set doesn't change. WITH …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 sql-order-by analytic-functions
mysql order by, null first, and DESC after

How can I order DESC by a field, but list the NULL values first? So I'm having a table: reuestId | …

mysql sql-order-by
Group By and Order By with UNION ALL

I have a stored procedure with the following query: SELECT (sum(addition)) AS [COUNT], MAX(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),CREATED,102)) as [date] …

sql sql-server-2008 group-by sql-order-by union-all

I have a PHP array with numbers of ID's in it. These numbers are already ordered. Now i would like …

php mysql sql-order-by in-function
Hibernate Named Query Order By parameter

Can anyone point me to how we can pass an order by clause as a named parameter to HQL? Example …

java hibernate orm hql sql-order-by
Incorrect usage of UNION and ORDER BY?

how can i use union and order by in mysql ? select * from _member_facebook inner join _member_pts ON _member_…

mysql sql-order-by union
Order by field in cakephp

I am doing project in cakephp . I want to write below query in cakephp Style. I've written 50% . Please help me $…

php cakephp sql-order-by
SQLite Query in non case sensitive alphabetical order

All I want to do is grab the stuff in alphabetical order and ignore the capital letters. db.rawQuery("SELECT " + …

android sql sqlite sql-order-by collate
MySQL Order before Group by

I need to find the latest post for each author and then group the results so I only a single …

mysql wordpress group-by sql-order-by