The SQL DELETE statement allows you to delete a single row or multiple rows from a SQL table.
I am new to SQL. We have some code that should work on SQL Server 2005/2008, Oracle 10 as well as Sybase. …
sql tsql delete-row sql-deleteI have a table that can grew to millions records (50 millions for example). On each 20 minutes records that are older …
sql sql-server tsql sql-deleteI am dealing with a very big database ~ 6 Million records. I've added ~30,000 bad records today. How can I delete all …
mysql sql-delete delete-recordPostgres 8.4 DELETE FROM processing_transaction AS pt INNER JOIN processing_transaction_movement AS ptm ON pt.processing_transaction_id = ptm.…
sql postgresql sql-delete cascading-deletesIn PostgreSQL I have a query like the following which will delete 250k rows from a 1m row table: DELETE …
sql postgresql locking sql-deleteI am writing a procedure which removes old rows by their viewed date: ;WITH pv AS ( SELECT RN = ROW_NUMBER() …
oracle sql-delete rownum with-clauseI need to update a table using a value deleted from another table. The situation is a comment vote scorekeeper …
postgresql syntax sql-update sql-deleteFor a security sensitive design, I'd like to disable DELETEs on certain tables. The DELETE should merely set a deleted …
postgresql triggers plpgsql sql-delete auditI'm executing a DELETE statement using the SQLite 3 C API, and I'd like to know how to fetch the number …
c sqlite sql-delete rows-affectedEntity Framework can be very slow on mass insert/update/delete operations. Even the often suggested tweaks to turn off …
c# sql-update entity-framework-6 sql-insert sql-delete