Top "Spy" questions

A spy is XUnit pattern where you replace the original implementation with a test double to capture the calls on the object.

Jasmine Spy to return different values based on argument

I am spying a JS method. I want to return different things based on actual argument to the method. I …

javascript jasmine spy
In JUnit with Spring, how do I create a spy on a @Service using Mockito (1.10.18)?

I’m using Spring 3.2.11.RELEASe, JUnit 4.12, and Mockito 1.10.18. In my JUnit test, how do I create a spy (not a …

spring junit mockito spy
Using Spy Object in PHPUnit?

How can I use Spy Object in PHPUnit? You can call object in imitation on, and after you can assert …

php phpunit spy