I have a Spring application that normally runs fine in WebLogic.
I have a set of integration tests that use the Atomikos "Transaction Essentials" framework to provide the standalone transaction manager. I had this working, but I'm now seeing a new problem, but I don't know what I might have changed that would make this happen.
I'm seeing a stack trace beginning like this:
org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is com.atomikos.jdbc.AtomikosSQLException: Failed to grow the connection pool at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.getConnection(DataSourceUtils.java:80)
Here are the relevant bean definitions:
<bean id="atomikosTransactionManager" class="com.atomikos.icatch.jta.UserTransactionManager"
init-method="init" destroy-method="close">
<!-- when close is called, should we force transactions to terminate or not? -->
<property name="forceShutdown">
<!-- Also use Atomikos UserTransactionImp, needed to configure Spring -->
<bean id="atomikosUserTransaction" class="com.atomikos.icatch.jta.UserTransactionImp">
<property name="transactionTimeout">
<!-- Configure the Spring framework to use JTA transactions from Atomikos -->
<bean id="catalogTransactionManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager">
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref bean="atomikosTransactionManager" />
<property name="userTransaction">
<ref bean="atomikosUserTransaction" />
I also have several like this:
<bean id="appConfigDataSource"
<property name="xaProperties">
<prop key="user">${ds.appconfig.userName}</prop>
<prop key="password">${ds.appconfig.password}</prop>
<prop key="URL">${ds.appconfig.url}</prop>
I tried changing the "5" to "50". This makes it run longer, but it still fails with the same error. There's no way that it would even need 5 or even 50 connections. I have a strong feeling that if I changed it to a larger number, it would run even longer, and still fail with the same error.
What might I be missing?
Never mind. It was a simple problem. I forgot that the hostname of my test database changed a while ago, and I forgot to change the property value.