Spring JPA Specifications Not In Query

Vishnu Moorthy Kanagaraj picture Vishnu Moorthy Kanagaraj · Nov 1, 2016 · Viewed 8.9k times · Source

Here the IN criteria query using Spring JPA Specification is working fine. but I don't know how to use "NOT IN"..

So How can i use the NOT IN criteria query using Spring JPA Specifications.

SearchSpecification<User> spec = new CommonSpecification<Case>(new SearchCriteria("client.id", Operator.NOT_IN, clientIdList));

public Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> criteriaQuery, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {
    Predicate predicate = null;
    switch (searchCriteria.getOperator()) {

    case IN:
        if (searchCriteria.getValue() instanceof List<?>) {
            predicate = getFieldPath(searchCriteria.getKey(), root)
                    .in(((List<?>) searchCriteria.getValue()).toArray());
    case NOT_IN:
        //What to do???

    return predicate;

private Path<Object> getFieldPath(String key, Root<T> root) {
    Path<Object> fieldPath = null;
    if (key.contains(".")) {
        String[] fields = key.split("\\.");
        for (String field : fields) {
            if (fieldPath == null) {
                fieldPath = root.get(field);
            } else {
                fieldPath = fieldPath.get(field);
    } else {
        fieldPath = root.get(key);
    return fieldPath;


Nikos Paraskevopoulos picture Nikos Paraskevopoulos · Nov 1, 2016

Use the Predicate.not() method; the code is the same as in the IN case, just add .not():

case NOT_IN:
    if (searchCriteria.getValue() instanceof List<?>) {
        predicate = getFieldPath(searchCriteria.getKey(), root)
                .in(((List<?>) searchCriteria.getValue()).toArray())