How to do PATCH properly in strongly typed languages based on Spring - example

KlimczakM picture KlimczakM · Apr 28, 2016 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

According to my knowledge:

  • PUT - update object with its whole representation (replace)
  • PATCH - update object with given fields only (update)

I'm using Spring to implement a pretty simple HTTP server. When a user wants to update his data he needs to make a HTTP PATCH to some endpoint (let's say: api/user). His request body is mapped to a DTO via @RequestBody, which looks like this:

class PatchUserRequest {
    @Length(min = 5, max = 50)
    var email: String? = null

    @Length(max = 100)
    var name: String? = null

Then I use an object of this class to update (patch) the user object:

fun patchWithRequest(userRequest: PatchUserRequest) {
    if (! {
        email =!!
    if (! {
        name =

My doubt is: what if a client (web app for example) would like to clear a property? I would ignore such a change.

How can I know, if a user wanted to clear a property (he sent me null intentionally) or he just doesn't want to change it? It will be null in my object in both cases.

I can see two options here:

  • Agree with the client that if he wants to remove a property he should send me an empty string (but what about dates and other non-string types?)
  • Stop using DTO mapping and use a simple map, which will let me check if a field was given empty or not given at all. What about request body validation then? I use @Valid right now.

How should such cases should be properly handled, in harmony with REST and all good practices?


One could say that PATCH shouldn't be used in such an example, and I should use PUT to update my User. But what about model changes (e.g. adding a new property)? I would have to version my API (or the user endpoint alone) after every User change. E.g. I would have api/v1/user endpoint which accepts PUT with an old request body, and api/v2/user endpoint which accepts PUT with a new request body. I guess it's not the solution and PATCH exists for a reason.


miensol picture miensol · May 5, 2016


patchy is a tiny library I've come up with that takes care of the major boilerplate code needed to properly handle PATCH in Spring i.e.:

class Request : PatchyRequest {
    val name:String? by { _changes }

    override var _changes = mapOf<String,Any?>()

class PatchingCtrl {
    @RequestMapping("/", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.PATCH))
    fun update(@Valid request: Request){

Simple solution

Since PATCH request represent changes to be applied to the resource we need to model it explicitly.

One way is to use a plain old Map<String,Any?> where every key submitted by a client would represent a change to the corresponding attribute of the resource:

@RequestMapping("/entity/{id}", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.PATCH))
fun update(@RequestBody changes:Map<String,Any?>, @PathVariable id:Long) {
    val entity = db.find<Entity>(id)
    changes.forEach { entry ->
            "firstName" -> entity.firstName = entry.value?.toString() 
            "lastName" -> entity.lastName = entry.value?.toString() 

The above is very easy to follow however:

  • we do not have validation of the request values

The above can be mitigated by introducing validation annotations on the domain layer objects. While this is very convenient in simple scenarios it tends to be impractical as soon as we introduce conditional validation depending on the state of the domain object or on the role of the principal performing a change. More importantly after the product lives for a while and new validation rules are introduced it's pretty common to still allow for an entity to be update in non user edit contexts. It seems to be more pragmatic to enforce invariants on the domain layer but keep the validation at the edges.

  • will be very similar in potentially many places

This is actually very easy to tackle and in 80% of cases the following would work:

fun Map<String,Any?>.applyTo(entity:Any) {
    val entityEditor = BeanWrapperImpl(entity)
    forEach { entry ->
            entityEditor.setPropertyValue(entry.key, entityEditor.convertForProperty(entry.value, entry.key))

Validating the request

Thanks to delegated properties in Kotlin it's very easy to build a wrapper around Map<String,Any?>:

class NameChangeRequest(val changes: Map<String, Any?> = mapOf()) {
    val firstName: String? by changes
    val lastName: String? by changes

And using Validator interface we can filter out errors related to attributes not present in the request like so:

fun filterOutFieldErrorsNotPresentInTheRequest(target:Any, attributesFromRequest: Map<String, Any?>?, source: Errors): BeanPropertyBindingResult {
    val attributes = attributesFromRequest ?: emptyMap()
    return BeanPropertyBindingResult(target, source.objectName).apply {
        source.allErrors.forEach { e ->
            if (e is FieldError) {
                if (attributes.containsKey(e.field)) {
            } else {

Obviously we can streamline the development with HandlerMethodArgumentResolver which I did below.

Simplest solution

I thought that it would make sense to wrap what've described above into a simple to use library - behold patchy. With patchy one can have a strongly typed request input model along with declarative validations. All you have to do is to import the configuration @Import(PatchyConfiguration::class) and implement PatchyRequest interface in your model.

Further reading