When the PathVariable 'name' doesn't pass validation a javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException is thrown. Is there a way to retrieve the parameter name in the thrown javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException?
public class HelloController {
public String sayHi(@Size(max = 10, min = 3, message = "name should have between 3 and 10 characters") @PathVariable("name") String name) {
return "Hi " + name;
The following Exception Handler shows how it works :
ResponseEntity<Set<String>> handleConstraintViolation(ConstraintViolationException e) {
Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> constraintViolations = e.getConstraintViolations();
Set<String> messages = new HashSet<>(constraintViolations.size());
.map(constraintViolation -> String.format("%s value '%s' %s", constraintViolation.getPropertyPath(),
constraintViolation.getInvalidValue(), constraintViolation.getMessage()))
return new ResponseEntity<>(messages, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
You can access the invalid value (name) with
You can access the property name 'name' with