Spring Custom Query with pageable

Trivikrama picture Trivikrama · Dec 4, 2014 · Viewed 21.2k times · Source

I want to to implement pagination in spring application.I know using repository we can implement pagination but we can not write our own query for data retrieve there are limited methods in repository that too there is no method accepting query class.

If we want to write our custom query to retrieve data from mongodb we have to use mongotemaplete, as i know with mongotemplate we can not implement pagination.

Is there any another way to implement pagination along with db queries. any one can help me.


d0x picture d0x · Sep 25, 2017

As you figured out, MongoTemplate doesn't support the complete page abstraction. Like KneeLess said you can use the @Query-Annotation to do some custom queries.

In case this isn't enough for you, can use utilize the Spring Repository PageableExecutionUtils in combination with your MongoTemplate.

For example like this:

public Page<XXX> findSophisticatedXXX(/* params, ... */ @NotNull Pageable pageable) {

    Query query = query(
            // ... sophisticated query ...

    List<XXX> list = mongoOperations.find(query, XXX.class);
    return PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(list, pageable,
              () -> mongoOperations.count((Query.of(query).limit(-1).skip(-1), XXX.class));

Spring Repositories are doing the same. As you can see here, they fire two queries as well.