Redirect from one controller method to another controller method

Carl picture Carl · Jun 20, 2013 · Viewed 88.4k times · Source

I am using Spring 3 and Tiles 2 in my application and have a bit of trouble with redirecting. Preferably, I would like to be able to just call or redirect from a Controller1 method to Controller2 method, but so far have been unsuccessful.

I have tried to create a new entry in the file. That way I could just return this name from Controller1 and it would look up my tiles def name from the xml files.



But, when I try returning like shown below my the URL contains createRejectionEmail as part of the URL - instead of using that to do the look up in the tiles defs. mav.setViewName("redirectRejectionEmail"); return mav;

<definition name="" extends="brandedLayout">
  <put-attribute name="targetFunction" value="status" />
  <put-attribute name="content" value="/WEB  INF/jsp/pages/status/createRejectionEmail.jsp" />

My current config is below.

<bean id="resourceViewResolver"
p:order="0" p:basename="config.spring.viewresolution.pageviews"/>

<bean id="tilesConfigurer" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles2.TilesConfigurer">
<property name="definitions">

Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated!


Stephen Dillon picture Stephen Dillon · Jun 21, 2013

From your controller you can change the return type to be a ModelAndView and return code below. This will re-direct the request and call the controller for the new URL.

return new ModelAndView("redirect:/myURL");

Alternatively you could take in the HttpServletResponse in your controller method and return a redirect.

public void myController(HttpServletResponse response){