How to get Spring WebContext in class annotated @controller

Kaushik Lele picture Kaushik Lele · Nov 3, 2012 · Viewed 23.2k times · Source

In Spring MVC with annotation, we mark any POJO with @Controller. In this controller we can get WebApplicationContext, using autowired property.

public class HomePageController {

ApplicationContext act;

    public String handleBasic(){
        SimpleDomain sd = (SimpleDomain)act.getBean("sd1");
        return "hello";

But in this approach we do not have servletContext handy with us. So is there way we can still use older way of getting WebApplicationContext ? i.e.


How will we get servletContext here ?

I am not facing any compulsion to use old way; so this question is just out of curiosity to check flexibility of spring. Also It can be a interview question.


Biju Kunjummen picture Biju Kunjummen · Nov 3, 2012

You can just inject it into your controller:

@Autowired private ServletContext servletContext;

Or take HttpServletRequest as a parameter and get it from there:

public ModelAndView myMethod(HttpServletRequest request ...){
    ServletContext servletContext = request.getServletContext()