Spring-data, Oliver Gierke's excellent library, has something called a Specification (org.springframework.data.jpa.domain.Specification). With it you can generate several predicates to narrow your criteria for searching.
Can someone provide an example of using a Subquery from within a Specification?
I have an object graph and the search criteria can get pretty hairy. I would like to use a Specification to help with the narrowing of the search, but I need to use a Subquery to see if some of the sub-elements (within a collection) in the object graph meet the needs of my search.
Thanks in advance.
String projectName = "project1";
List<Employee> result = employeeRepository.findAll(
new Specification<Employee>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Employee> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
Subquery<Employee> sq = query.subquery(Employee.class);
Root<Project> project = sq.from(Project.class);
Join<Project, Employee> sqEmp = project.join("employees");
cb.parameter(String.class, projectName)));
return cb.in(root).value(sq);
is the equivalent of the following jpql query:
SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e IN (
SELECT emp FROM Project p JOIN p.employees emp WHERE p.name = :projectName