Spring security vs Apache Shiro

Java SE picture Java SE · Jul 16, 2012 · Viewed 35.3k times · Source

What I have researched so far most people are saying Apache Shiro is easy to use and easy to integrate with CAS (for SSO etc). Just to ask if anyone has experience using both of them and which one to use and why one is better than other?


Les Hazlewood picture Les Hazlewood · Jul 24, 2012

Many of the Shiro developers use Spring for their applications, so Shiro works beautifully in Spring environments. The general feedback we've received thus far is that Shiro is also far easier to understand (for most people) than Spring Security.

If you want full Session clustering support across any web container however, only Shiro will support this easily. Shiro's crypto is also very simple/easy to use.

Choose which fits your mental model best - both will work great in Spring environments.