How to call a method after bean initialization is complete?

peakit picture peakit · Jul 6, 2009 · Viewed 309.7k times · Source

I have a use case where I need to call a (non-static) method in the bean only-once at the ApplicationContext load up. Is it ok, if I use MethodInvokingFactoryBean for this? Or we have a some better solution?

As a side note, I use ConfigContextLoaderListener to load the Application Context in web application. And want, that if bean 'A' is instantiated just call methodA() once.

How can this be done nicely?


skaffman picture skaffman · Aug 14, 2009

To expand on the @PostConstruct suggestion in other answers, this really is the best solution, in my opinion.

  • It keeps your code decoupled from the Spring API (@PostConstruct is in javax.*)
  • It explicitly annotates your init method as something that needs to be called to initialize the bean
  • You don't need to remember to add the init-method attribute to your spring bean definition, spring will automatically call the method (assuming you register the annotation-config option somewhere else in the context, anyway).