Questions related to Spring's Transaction API (programmatic or declarative)
On my project, I currently use AspectJ (not just Spring AOP due to some limitation) with the weaving at the …
spring aop aspectj spring-transactions load-time-weavingI have something like this: @Service @Transactional public class ServiceA { @Autowired SomeDAO1 dao1; @Autowired ServiceB serviceB; public void methodServiceA() { serviceB.…
java spring rollback spring-transactionsI am using Spring transactions so the transaction is still active when POJO to DTO conversion occurs. I would like …
java hibernate spring dozer spring-transactionsI use annotations to mark methods which should be executed in a transaction. But, in one place I need to …
java spring transactions spring-3 spring-transactionsI want to synchronize a kafka transaction with a repository transaction: @Transactional public void syncTransaction(){ kafkaTemplate.send(…
spring-transactions spring-kafkaPlease see code. When I called the method @Async loadMarkUpPCT(), data is NOT committed into the table. It behaves as …
spring spring-transactionsWhile reading through Spring transaction documentation I see that it supports both Global transactions and Local transactions. In simple terms …
java spring transactions spring-transactions distributed-transactionsUpgrading my project I'm thinking here about transactions. Well, the thing is I'm not quite sure when should I use …
java spring-3 spring-transactions hibernate3I can't manage to prevent a transaction from rollingback after a RuntimeException. My env is Spring 4.1 + Hibernate 3.6 + JTA (WebSphereUowTransactionManager) running …
spring hibernate websphere jta spring-transactionsThis is regarding Spring OpenSessionInViewFilter using with @Transactional annotation at service layer. i went through so many stack overflow post …
java spring hibernate spring-transactions