Spring Framework Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Data Access
I have a spring rest app.It is configured with annotations. When I add spring-data-jpa dependency the application is falling …
spring-mvc annotations tomcat7 spring-data-jpa spring-ormI am new to hibernate, I am having the following classes, I am using Spring hibernate and mysql. import javax.…
spring hibernate one-to-many spring-ormI've created user and userRole tables user entity @Entity @Table(name = "USERS") public class User { @Id @Column(name = "USERNAME", nullable = …
spring hibernate spring-ormI'm having some issues storing entries into my database. I am using the following heirarchy: I have a parent class …
java mysql hibernate spring-mvc spring-ormI try to use jpa with spring-orm and hibernate. I have mysql db with TRADES table. I try to work …
java spring hibernate jpa spring-orm