I have controller as simple as this:
@RequestMapping(value="/async/data", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
@ApiOperation(value = "Gets data", notes="Gets data asynchronously")
@ApiResponses(value={@ApiResponse(code=200, message="OK")})
public Callable<List<Data>> getData(){
return ( () -> {return dataService.loadData();} );
I was expecting to have only a response message for HTTP status 200. However springfox always generates the ones below (401, 403, 404). How can I disable (not show) them?
async-rest-controller Show/Hide List Operations Expand Operations
GET /async/data Gets data
Implementation Notes
Gets data asynchronously
Response Class (Status 200)
ModelModel Schema
Response Content Type
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code Reason Response Model Headers
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
You should be able to set up the plugin to not use the default response messages. Follow below instructions for different versions.
For 1.0.2 or prior
new SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin(...)
//More config
.useDefaultResponseMessages(false) //<-- this should be false
For 2.x
new Docket()
//More config
.useDefaultResponseMessages(false) //<-- this should be false