Spring Data is an umbrella open source project which contains many subprojects that are specific to a given database.
I'm using spring data (mongoDb) and I've got my repository: public interface StoriesRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Story, String> {} Then …
java spring rest spring-data spring-data-restThe title of this question is quite contradictory since I'm trying to implement relations in a non-relational database... :) But what …
java spring mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodbWe have implemented our repositories exactly as demonstrated in the Spring Data documentation. Everything was fine until we upgraded from …
spring spring-mvc sts-springsourcetoolsuite spring-data spring-data-jpaIn my Spring Boot project I have implemented following service method: @Transactional public boolean validateBoard(Board board) { boolean result = false; …
spring spring-boot spring-data spring-data-jpa spring-transactionsI have simple Entitly class with the @EmbeddedId (Integer and String fields in separate class). And I use the Spring …
java spring jpa jpql spring-dataI am using the latest spring-data-mongodb (1.1.0.M2) and the latest Mongo Driver (2.9.0-RC1). I have a situation where I have …
java spring mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodbI encountered the @NoRepositoryBean interface several times whilst reading the Spring Data documentation. To quote from the documentation: If you're …
java spring jpa spring-data spring-data-jpaI don't want to hardcode constant values, I would rather specify them through a reference variable. For example, rather then …
java spring jpql spring-dataI'm using Spring 4.0.0.RELEASE, Spring Data Commons 1.7.0.M1, Spring Hateoas 0.8.0.RELEASE My resource is a simple POJO: public class UserResource …
spring spring-mvc pagination spring-data spring-hateoasI am trying to deploy a Spring-Boot application with Service accessing a JpaRepository which is connecting to PostgreSQL DB at …
spring spring-boot spring-data spring-data-jpa spring-restcontroller