Top "Spring-data-mongodb" questions

Spring Data for MongoDB is part of the Spring Data project which provides a familiar and consistent Spring-based programming model for new datastores while retaining store-specific features and capabilities.

spring-data-mongo - optional query parameters?

I am using spring-data mongo with the JSON based query methods, and am unsure how to allow optional parameters in …

java spring mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb
In spring data mongodb how to achieve pagination for aggregation

In spring data mongodb using mongotemplate or mongorepository, how to achieve pagination for aggregateion

spring-boot spring-data-mongodb
Distinct() command used with skip() and limit()

I have those items in my MongoDB collection: {x: 1, y: 60, z:100} {x: 1, y: 60, z:100} {x: 1, y: 60, z:100} {x: 2, y: 60, z:100} {…

mongodb mongodb-java spring-data-mongodb
Spring Data MongoDB Lookup with Pipeline Aggregation

How would I convert the following MongoDB query into a query to be used by my Java Spring application? I …

spring mongodb spring-data aggregation-framework spring-data-mongodb
Why do I get a "No property node found on entity class … to bind constructor parameter to!" with Spring Data MongoDB

Trying to use JodaTime's LocalDate with Spring Data MongoDB and Spring 4 but I am getting the following exception: SEVERE: Servlet.…

spring spring-data spring-data-mongodb
How to configure a MongoDB cluster which supports sessions?

I want to explore the new transaction feature of MongoDB and use Spring Data MongoDB. However, I get the exception …

spring mongodb spring-boot spring-data spring-data-mongodb
How to I get Spring-Data-MongoDB to validate my objects?

I have a very simple Spring Boot application that uses Spring-Data-Mongodb All I want to do is set a JSR-303 …

mongodb bean-validation spring-data-mongodb spring-boot
"Cycle found" with Spring Data Mongo 1.5

I have a project perfectly running with Spring Data MongoDB 1.4.2. I tried to update to 1.5.0 and I get this error …

java spring spring-data spring-data-mongodb
Java MongoDB save multiple documents at once

I Have a list of updated objects/documents i need save all the objects in the list at once. I …

mongodb spring-data-mongodb mongo-java mongo-java-driver mongotemplate
How to write MongoTemplate Query and Criteria for a complex Document structure?

I am new to MongoTemplate. I want to define a and org.springframework.…

spring-data spring-data-mongodb mongotemplate