Inject parameters to constructor through annotation in Spring

vishnumanohar picture vishnumanohar · May 29, 2015 · Viewed 35.4k times · Source

I am using Spring Boot annotation configuration. I have a class whose constructor accepts 2 parameters (string, another class).

public class Fruit {
    public Fruit(String FruitType, Apple apple) {
            this.FruitType = FruitType;
   = apple;

public class Apple {


I have a class that needs to autowire the above class by injecting parameters to the constructor("iron Fruit",Apple class)

public class Cook {

    Fruit applefruit;

The cook class need to autowire Fruit class with parameters("iron Fruit",Apple class)

The XML configuration looks like this:

<bean id="redapple" class="Apple" />
<bean id="greenapple" class="Apple" />
<bean name="appleCook" class="Cook">
          <constructor-arg index="0" value="iron Fruit"/>
          <constructor-arg index="1" ref="redapple"/>
<bean name="appleCook2" class="Cook">
          <constructor-arg index="0" value="iron Fruit"/>
          <constructor-arg index="1" ref="greenapple"/>

How to achieve it using annotation configuration only?


medvedev1088 picture medvedev1088 · May 29, 2015

Apple must be a spring-managed bean:

public class Apple{


Fruit as well:

public class Fruit {

    public Fruit(
        @Value("iron Fruit") String FruitType,
        Apple apple
        ) {
            this.FruitType = FruitType;
   = apple;

Note the usage of @Autowired and @Value annotations.

Cook should have @Component too.


Or you could use @Configuration and @Bean annotations:

public class Config {

    @Bean(name = "redapple")
    public Apple redApple() {
        return new Apple();

    @Bean(name = "greeapple")
    public Apple greenApple() {
        retturn new Apple();

    @Bean(name = "appleCook")
    public Cook appleCook() {
        return new Cook("iron Fruit", redApple());