Top "Spring-annotations" questions

A common placeholder for issues related to the use of annotations with the Spring framework

can anybody explain me difference between class level controller and method level controller..?

I am new to spring framework....while searching on google..I found few examples which has @RequestMapping annoted at the …

java spring spring-mvc annotations spring-annotations
How to set in Spring with Annotations and pure Java

How would one go about setting up the following in Spring using only Java and annotations. <property name="hibernate.…

java spring hibernate spring-annotations hibernate-annotations
Multiple spring task executors with annotation-driven spring tasks

I have a class MessageProcessor being called by another method in another class (i.e. Caller). public class Caller { @Scheduled(…

java spring scheduled-tasks spring-annotations
How to debug Spring Security authorization annotations?

I have spring security application in which want to enable annotations security (pre and post authorization). I also have small …

spring spring-security annotations authorization spring-annotations
Spring boot component scan include a single class

I am using spring component scan to auto detect beans as: @ComponentScan({","}) The issue …

java spring spring-boot spring-annotations component-scan
Spring @Scheduled annotation random delay

I am using the @Scheduled annotation from Spring framework to invoke a method. But I have multiple nodes in my …

spring spring-annotations spring-scheduled
How to add a custom annotation to Spring MVC?

Can anyone explain what I need to do to implement my own annotation that would add functionality to my web …

spring spring-mvc spring-annotations
How can the Spring Environment be injected properly in one method but not another?

neo4jDatabase() is fine but environment is always null in graphDatabaseService()... how/why? @Configuration @PropertySource("classpath:/") @EnableNeo4…

spring spring-annotations spring-data-neo4j
Why in Spring I am not allowed to annotate a final class with @Configuration?

I am studying for the Spring Core certification and I have some doubts related to the answer of this question …

java spring spring-mvc annotations spring-annotations
What is "persistence exception translation" for @Repository beans

I was reading Spring with annotation part and I came across @Repositoryannotation I read that @Repository beans differ from @Component …

spring spring-annotations