Top "Speech-to-text" questions

The translation of spoken words into text.

Speech recognition for recorded audio files in .3gp or wav format

Possible Duplicate: Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip? I am developing an Android app which will record audio …

android speech-recognition audio-recording speech-to-text
Voice Input to Populate Edit Text in android?

I am working on voice input in android. I used the sample from…

android speech-to-text
Speech recognition, nodeJS

I'm currently working on a tool allowing me to read all my notifications thanks to the connection to different APIs. …

node.js speech-recognition speech-to-text
Using System.Speech to convert mp3 file to text

I'm trying to use the speech recognition in .net to recognize the speech of a podcast in an mp3 file …

c# .net speech-recognition speech-to-text
Are there free speech to text API's for Javascript?

I would like to create a web interface which would utilize a speech to text feature. Does anyone know of …

javascript text speech speech-to-text
C#: transcribe WAV file to text (speech-to-text) with System.Speech namespaces

How do you use the .NET speech namespace classes to convert audio in a WAV file to textual form which …

c# namespaces speech-to-text
How to use Androids' speech to text with audio sample file

I was able to run an example project which uses Android speech to text using this code: private void startVoiceRecognitionActivity() { …

android audio speech-to-text
Options for free (and preferably open source) speech to text library

Looking for a library (with Java or Python APIs) that converts speech to text. 100% accuracy is not an absolute requirement …

java python speech-recognition speech-to-text
Google speech Api v1 not working?

I have developed an app using the Google speech Api v1…

android google-api speech-recognition speech-to-text android-speech-api
SAPI: Speech to Text example

I am new to SAPI, and I would really appreciate if any of you can provide me a speech to …

windows visual-studio-2010 speech-recognition speech-to-text sapi