Top "Specifications" questions

A specification (also commonly referred to as "spec") is a description of a defined technology and the resources it offers.

PDF specifications for coders: Adobe or ISO?

I want to code an application that can read and decode a pdf document; now where I'm supposed to get …

c++ c pdf specifications
Spring data JPA Specifications - @OneToMany dependency

i have a problem with getting List from entity Person using Spring data JPA specifications (because of pagination). I need …

spring jpa criteria-api specifications spring-data-jpa
Why don't the modern browsers support PUT and DELETE form methods?

I just finished building a RESTful API for one of my latest apps. I also built a simple admin interface …

html browser specifications
How to identify whether an Excel file conforms to Excel 95 or Excel 97 specifications?

How to identify where the Excel file use Excel 95 or Excel 97 specifications? i.e., which version of BIFF they uses.

excel specifications file-format
Why is the slash an escapable character in JSON?

Possible Duplicate: JSON: why are forward slashes escaped? states, that forward slashes (aka solidus, /) can be escaped: "\/" However, …

json escaping specifications slash
What is the full list of standard keys recognized by the Java System.getProperty() method?

Is there a reference page that lists all the standard property keys that are always accepted by the Java System.…

java specifications
Any reason to write the "private" keyword in C#?

As far as I know, private is the default everywhere in C# (meaning that if I don't write public, protected, …

c# private specifications access-modifiers auto-generate
Config spec in ClearCase

I have tiny question about ClearCase. Help me please! When does config spec start to work? When I click CHECK …

clearcase config cleartool specifications
Active class versus passive class

In UML specification superstructure 2.5(still Beta, page 203) A Class may be designated by setting isActive to true as active (i.…

uml specifications class-diagram
When can I safely use the new <main> element in HTML5?

On the 16th December, a HTML5 extension specification for the <main> element was submitted to the W3C …

html semantic-markup specifications