Akismet does an amazing job at detecting spam comments. But comments are not the only form of spam these days. What if I wanted something like akismet to automatically detect porn images on a social networking site which allows users to upload their pics, avatars, etc?
There are already a few image based search engines as well as face recognition stuff available so I am assuming it wouldn't be rocket science and it could be done. However, I have no clue regarding how that stuff works and how I should go about it if I want to develop it from scratch.
How should I get started?
Is there any open source project for this going on?
This is actually reasonably easy. You can programatically detect skin tones - and porn images tend to have a lot of skin. This will create false positives but if this is a problem you can pass images so detected through actual moderation. This not only greatly reduces the the work for moderators but also gives you lots of free porn. It's win-win.
import os, glob
from PIL import Image
def get_skin_ratio(im):
im = im.crop((int(im.size[0]*0.2), int(im.size[1]*0.2), im.size[0]-int(im.size[0]*0.2), im.size[1]-int(im.size[1]*0.2)))
skin = sum([count for count, rgb in im.getcolors(im.size[0]*im.size[1]) if rgb[0]>60 and rgb[1]<(rgb[0]*0.85) and rgb[2]<(rgb[0]*0.7) and rgb[1]>(rgb[0]*0.4) and rgb[2]>(rgb[0]*0.2)])
return float(skin)/float(im.size[0]*im.size[1])
for image_dir in ('porn','clean'):
for image_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(image_dir,"*.jpg")):
skin_percent = get_skin_ratio(Image.open(image_file)) * 100
if skin_percent>30:
print "PORN {0} has {1:.0f}% skin".format(image_file, skin_percent)
print "CLEAN {0} has {1:.0f}% skin".format(image_file, skin_percent)
This code measures skin tones in the center of the image. I've tested on 20 relatively tame "porn" images and 20 completely innocent images. It flags 100% of the "porn" and 4 out of the 20 of the clean images. That's a pretty high false positive rate but the script aims to be fairly cautious and could be further tuned. It works on light, dark and Asian skin tones.
It's main weaknesses with false positives are brown objects like sand and wood and of course it doesn't know the difference between "naughty" and "nice" flesh (like face shots).
Weakness with false negatives would be images without much exposed flesh (like leather bondage), painted or tattooed skin, B&W images, etc.